REPLAY: Travel Hacking with Austin Riffe

This final season of my show is going fast, and I only have six months left to share with you the final topics and guests before we say our final goodbye. I have devoted the month of May to discussing travel and all things travel adjacent. I have been a financial planner for over 14 years now, and in all of those years, I think every single one of my clients was always planning for some trip during the summer months, and this summer is no different. Whether the trips are for weddings, family reunions, kids' baseball games, concert events, or just because, travel is always something we’re planning with our clients.   

Today’s episode is my first and hopefully last replay for this final season. Due to scheduling challenges and the death of a close friend of mine, Austin and I were not able to get together to record a new episode; however, most of what we shared in this episode is still true, and Austin is still continuing to work with and support people looking to travel with rewards points. I just finished working with Vinnie on booking our travel to Ireland in June to celebrate Will’s high school graduation, and every time we went to use our points, I kept thinking, “I should have turned this over to Austin to begin with.” Earning travel rewards is key, but more so than earning them, spending them the best way is also important, and that’s where resources like Austin can help you get the most bang for your travel rewards points. 

What are we drinking? 

Austin  - Iced Americano  
Shannon - Black Cherry Schweppes  

Podcast Notes 

How did you discover the world of personal finance and travel hacking?  

  • Around 2019, Austin was introduced to personal finance through Dave Ramsey. Dave's approach is intense, and it motivated Austin to pay off his debt as quickly as possible.  

  • Dave's methods get results, but he wanted to find something more long-term sustainable. In addition to focusing on finances, he wanted to enjoy his life and accomplish other things. He started branching out and found Martinis and Your Money and Financially Naked.  

  • He loved what he heard and shifted from tracking every penny to a goals-based budget approach. He enlisted in the CFT Training Program to continue learning more about personal finance and the approaches you can take to become financially healthy.  

  • After the program, Austin realized that instead of working with a broad client base, he wanted to niche down and focus on credit card travel hacking. He wanted to work with already financially healthy folks and help them optimize their spending so they level up.  

  • In short, travel hacking is when you use credit card rewards to pay for travel. You can save thousands when done right, but getting all the rewards takes time, planning, and energy.  

What are the basics of credit card travel hacking?  

  • If you are paying off credit card debt or struggle to use credit cards responsibly, travel hacking is not the best approach for you. Any high interest can offset the benefits earned when you carry a balance.  

  • Travel hacking aims to save money and enjoy discounted or even free travel experiences. This is done by using credit cards for spending in a way that will maximize travel rewards and benefits. These benefits include airline miles, hotel points, excursions, rentals, and other rewards. These rewards can be accumulated through spending they would have already done.  

  • Gathering and accumulating points is just one step of the process. The next step is redeeming these points to reduce the out-of-pocket costs of travel and ultimately plan your dream experiences.  

What are the benefits of working with a travel hacking coach?  

  • Austin has not paid for a flight since October of last year, and it inspired him to want to help others do the same. It's possible; you just have to have a good plan in place.  

  • Credit card travel hacking often involves careful planning, researching the best offers, understanding the rules and restrictions associated with each card, and managing credit card accounts responsibly. 

  • Credit card travel hacking takes time, energy, and effort. If you don't have the time, you may miss out on thousands in savings. That's where someone like Austin can help.  

  • There can be so much more to it than just the sign-up bonuses. It's about maximizing the cards to have and getting aligned with your ultimate goals. Once you've earned the points, converting them into your dream scenario is the next step. There is work on both sides of this process, and Austin can help with both.  

Resources mentioned in the episode: 

Takeaway: My biggest takeaway is that travel hacking is something that every person with good credit should consider and if you think it’s too hard for you, then reach out to Austin because the savings are truly something you shouldn’t miss out on.  

Random Three Questions 

  1. Where is your next big travel destination? 

  2. What is a show you’re currently binging? 

  3. If this was your last meal on earth, what would it be? 

Connect with Austin 

If you’re interested in setting up a Points Strategy Plan with Austin you can DM @hello_travelaf on Instagram or check out his link tree.  


If you have any topics you would like me to cover on this podcast, or if you’d like to get in the financially naked hot seat, I encourage you to email me at or join the private Martinis and Your Money Facebook Page, and let me know what you want to hear. 
As many of you know, other than running this podcast, I’m the founder and CEO of The Financial Gym, and we are celebrating 10 years of this journey. Now more than ever, I see the importance of the work we do every single day. Rising inflation, the return on student loan debt, high-interest rates on loans and mortgages, and volatile stock markets make it a time where, now more than ever, you need a best financial friend to help you make the best choices along the way. 
At Financial Gym, you get paired with a Certified Financial Trainer, who we call your BFF. Our team has coached clients through every financial season, whether they were living paycheck to paycheck or headed into Financial Independence and Retirement. As a reminder, we work with individuals, couples, or business owners.  
The exciting news of 2024 is that Financial Gym now has a sister company, FG Advisory Services, available for people looking for more traditional financial advisory services like asset management delivered by a team that looks and behaves nothing like a traditional financial advisory services company. We literally have a solution for you, no matter where you’re starting from. So what are you waiting for? Head over to or send friends to to get started today. Our warm-up calls are free of cost and judgment, so you have nothing to lose.